La vida de esta pequeña ha sido muy difícil, desde el principio pensaron que no sobreviviría.
Visarviya Borun-Goncharova se ha convertido en una figura importante en Instagram a sus 8 años, nació con una rara condición conocida como síndrome toracoabdominal, es tan poco común en los seres humanos que sólo se da en un recién nacido entre 8 millones, básicamente, las personas que nacen con esta condición tienen el corazón fuera del pecho.
View this post on InstagramADVERTISEMENT On the Left pic Virsaviya is about 18 months old and on the right one she is almost 9 years old.
Only God knows how many difficult situations we went through,how hard it is when your child have a lot of conditions,when you can’t sleep just because you have to help your baby to live and breath and to not have pain.ADVERTISEMENT I know there is much more to go through together but I’m not afraid because Jesus gives me strength and reassurance that He is by our side.
I see some people commenting something like :what type of mother you are why you didn’t do a surgery for your child or : I feel sorry for the girl because of the mother she have or :why there still no surgery yet??? Or :you so stupid to post something like this.ADVERTISEMENT Do you even understand what I’m going through before say something like that ? Did you come here to stay with her at least 1 night while she is choking ? Did you travel with her alone since you were 19 years old to other cities and countries to find a help for her ? Did you go through surgery and many hospitals , procedures , anesthesia and medicines? Did I you find strength to escape from domestic violence with your baby ?Did you raise your child without the father ? Did you change your life , left the whole your family , changed country and primary language in order for your child could have better weather to live in ? Did you deal with penology of Cantrell , multiple heart defects , pulmonary hypertension, pyelonephritis , pyelocystitis with reflex , asthma , myopia , astigmatism , intestines and skin problems at the same time ? I deal with it daily .
ADVERTISEMENT And there is no one in this world can do a surgery for her because of a lot of different conditions she have at the same time so if doctors give me 30% that my daughter will survive after the surgery, guess what ? I prefer my daughter to live without surgery just because I want her alive the way God created her Instead of to try to risk and to regret about it for the rest of my life and feel guilty that i killed my own child! CONTINUE BELLOW in comments ⬇️⬇️⬇️#VirsaviyaWarrior
Su familia siempre está preocupada por darle una vida normal y así ha sucedido durante toda su vida hasta ahora, pues a pesar de sus esfuerzos, una situación cotidiana ha cambiado todo.
Su vida cambió cuando uno de sus compañeros de su escuela le dio un golpe, esto provocó que Visarviya tuviera que ser hospitalizada de emergencia pues su corazón al estar expuesto no puedo soportar el golpe.
View this post on InstagramADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Thank you doctors for helping my Virsaviya to feel better .
Thank you to the one who not only stopped by to put smile on her face but spent all this days and nights in the hospital with us ❤️ @erv_i_am ?Yes she have to have a bunch of steroids and breathing medicine at home but I believe Jesus will heal her completely so she won’t need to use it no more ! Doctors think she got asthma on top of her heart and pulmonary artery conditions.ADVERTISEMENT I’m highly upset about it because I had her chocking like that for all her life every time she get cold but there was never diagnosis like asthma, but what can I do ? Only pray ??✝️ happy new year to everyone and lots of blessings to your families ??✊?????#staystrong #VirsaviyaWarrior #ijustLoveHer #mylove #jesuslovesyou #jesusheals #jesussaves #teamjesus #virsaviyaArtHeart @fit_thick_riri #fitthickriri #teambathsheba #prayforbathsheba #godisgreat #godisgreat #godissogood #jesusismysavior #jesus
La madre de la pequeña Dari Borun, está realmente preocupada y subió hace algunas semanas una foto de su hija hospitalizada conectada a un monitor. Incluso dio algunas declaraciones sobre el estado de salud de su hija y asegura que no se encuentra bien. Después del golpe, su hija ha tenido que acudir frecuentemente al hospital.
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“Hoy a Virsaviya le golpearon su corazón en la escuela por accidente solo por el hecho de que un niño no está siendo amable y cuidadoso con ella todo el tiempo. Ella ha estado vomitando desde entonces, se quejaba de sentir dolores en el corazón, el estómago y la cabeza, y también aseguraba sentir mucho frío. Hemos estado en la sala de emergencias por tanto tiempo, cansados y hambrientos. Su corazón no está estable, necesita más oxígeno“.
View this post on InstagramADVERTISEMENT May Jesus give y'all 100 times more then you guys have done for us ??✝️ we are so happy to have this much love that we receive from you every day .
Thank you for spreading words about our story , thank you for trying to defend us from those people who saying something bad about me and my daughter✊?thank you to those who follow us for years and to those who just joined our journey and remain faithful ? also to those new people who keep on asking me questions I wanted to explain one more time about my daughter's condition 1.ADVERTISEMENT The Condition's name is pentalogy of Cantrell .
It's when heart is outside because the part of a rid cage and part of an abdominal muscles is missing. It's also means that heart and arteries don't work properly . Virsaviya's case has pulmonary hypertension and birth heart defects.ADVERTISEMENT Her intestines also outside and she don't have a diaphragm.
2. She don't have a belly button because her umbilical cord was attached to her heart when she was born and now all you can see it's a scar in the middle of her heart . So yes she is unique in this case too 3.ADVERTISEMENT She is 8 and a half years old 4.
Her name is Virsaviya this is a biblical name . In Russian bible its sound Virsaviya in English Bathsheba, in Hebrew Beersheba or Beersheva בְּאֵר שֶׁבַע . It was a beautiful queen mother of wisest King Solomon and wife of a greatest king David #VirsaviyaWarrior #VirsaviyaArtHeart ? #ijustloveher #ijustloveyou #godbless #staystrong #stillalive #stillstrong #stillbeautiful #jesussaves #jesuslives #jesuslifestyle #jesuslovesyou #godisgood #godisgreat #godschild #inspiration #prayerworks #ibelieveADVERTISEMENT
Desde que este accidente sucedió el estado de Visarviya ha empeorado a tal grado que tuvieron que trasladarse de Rusia a los Estados Unidos.
Su objetivo era que su hija recibiera una cirugía pero los médicos se rehusaron a intervenirla pues presentaba un nivel de presión sanguínea muy alto.A pesar de las adversidades Dari confía que con el tiempo la salud de su hija mejore con el medicamento que le han administrado, de esta manera controlando su presión podrá ser operada muy pronto.
View this post on InstagramIt’s been tough for both of us since the December unfortunately .
ADVERTISEMENT Both of us take turns to go to emergency room since then .
Virsaviya got hit in school to her heart today by mistake just because one boy is not being nice and careful around her all the time . So she was vomiting since that time, she was complaining that she feel pain in her heart , belly and head and that she feel cold .ADVERTISEMENT We are in the emergency room for so long , hungry and tired .
Her heart is not stable , oxygen is low . We actually had to get our oxygen delivery today but missed it because we went to emergency room and was waiting there for 2 hours until someone to come to take us to see doctor .ADVERTISEMENT But I’m not complaining , just sharing .
Praise the the Lord everything didn’t end up in the worse scenario . Thank Jesus for everything ????✝️ #staystrong #ijustloveher #heartoutsidemybody #heartouADVERTISEMENT
Incluso la familia tiene una página para recaudar fondos y de esta manera podrá cubrir los altísimos costos hospitalarios.
Pero además de tener una condición muy delicada como lo es tener el corazón expuesto en el pecho y solo protegido por una delgada capa de piel, Visarviya también ha ido perdiendo gradualmente parte de su pecho, músculos abdominales y algunos huesos.
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A pesar de todo, la pequeña no pierde su vitalidad y alegría, es una niña muy carismática que encanta a los que la conocen, además le fascina disfrutar de sus amigos, le gustan los ponis, también bailar, escuchar a Beyoncé y dibujar, en una de sus entrevistas dijo:
“Cuando me estoy vistiendo, me pongo ropa suave para no dañar mi corazón. Camino mucho por ahí, salto, vuelo, corro. No debería correr, pero me encanta”.
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