Megan Absten es una joven estadounidense que perdió el brazo izquierdo en un accidente cuando tenía tan solo 14 años de edad, sin embargo eso no fue un obstáculo para ella y decidió salir adelante convirtiéndose en alguien totalmente independiente.
Así fue como esta mujer logró llegar a obtener dos medallas de plata en los Juegos Paralímpicos de Estados Unidos del 2013, y decidió compartir su historia de éxito en YouTube. Allí, publica videos de su vida diaria, cómo se maquilla, haciendo deporte e incluso explica cómo tratar con alguien a quien le falta una parte de su cuerpo.
Megan tiene un gran sentido del humor y en muchos de sus videos le hace divertidas bromas a las personas. Sus videos se hicieron muy populares, llegando a tener alrededor de 40 mil suscriptores gracias al buen contenido que comparte.
También cuenta con 43 mil seguidores en Instagram, que la siguen a diario en su vida llena de deporte y mucha playa.
View this post on InstagramSince it’s Valentines Day I wanted to take a minute to rant about love on social media.
ADVERTISEMENT ♥️ This post may seem a bit contradictory, but I thought today would be a good day to throw this on here as a lil reminder! We live in the generation of busy lives, and free time spent looking at the face of a cell phone screen so often that people have become devoted to self promotion and forget to allot time for face to face interaction, connection and intimacy; things that are so pertinent to our existence.
ADVERTISEMENT Social media channels can be used to our benefit, but sadly, more often than not, they are used as a tool for escaping reality.
We put so much relevance on our followers but what affect do they really have when it comes to your reality? Social media is a great thing and allows us to be connected.ADVERTISEMENT It is also a place where you can hideout, mask the life you live, and give only the details you feel most confident about.
We live in a world where a relationship can be fabricated without ever meeting face to face. Which I think is both a blessing and a curse because the art of human connection is deeper than just pictures and captions.ADVERTISEMENT The constant desire for human intimacy is natural, yet, we are positioned in a way that if we aren’t satiated in real life, we can easily seek out attention from people on the internet in an instant.
People don’t put a price tag on things like waiting an extra 15 seconds to keep a door held open, or that feeling when you meet someone else’s gaze and hold it for that extra moment.ADVERTISEMENT Social media is tainting the act of basic human connection, meaningful conversation, and quality time spent together.
There is a spark to real life, and it’s something that can’t be matched in the digital world. So instead of using your free time today to mindlessly scroll on here, go learn something new about someone, do somebody a favor, give them a compliment, tell the people you love that you’re proud of them, be happy, and be in the moment!! Because at the end of the day, the best and easiest way to make the world a better place, is to be a good person.ADVERTISEMENT Okay, I’m done.
? Happy Valentines Day Every1?
“No voy a dejar de hacer algo que me gusta porque haya sufrido un accidente. ¿Qué me impide por lo menos intentarlo?”, mencionó la joven.
Así es como demuestra Megan que no hay nada en este mundo que pueda pararla.